
Alex Leaves His Wife With A Letter Leave A Light On (Season 16, Episode 16)

Meredith reads Alex's goodbye letter on Grey's Anatomy

In the season 16 episode “Leave a Light On,” Alex does the unthinkable. He leaves his wife and the hospital to go back to Izzie. The big problem with this episode isn’t Alex leaving his wife, it’s how he did it. Yes, Alex was in love with Izzie, but then she left him without much of a word and moved away with a letter to explain her exit. He was left heartbroken and finally was able to move on and find love again, getting married and building a new life.

When he learned that he had a child with Izzie, which she never told him about, he realized he still loved her and decided to return and try again with her. That is all fine, but the fact that he did it with letters made him seem like a complete hypocrite. He was left heartbroken when Izzie left him with a letter, and now he was leaving Jo the same way, which shows that he has no problem hurting someone else the same way that someone hurt him.

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